When I first opened Mansion, I was approached by a trainer that went by the name of Max Phoenix (center). Hugely spiritual, when this guy spoke his words resonated with you. I guess that's how he got across to his clients. A recovered drug user turned walking success story, he wanted to not just clean up your mind, but your body as well in his class.
He asked me if he could rent out Mansions basement space to hold a bootcamp. I had just opened for business and figured the extra foot traffic couldn't hurt so I said "sure, why not".
The class started with just 5 people in it and grew -and grew, AND GREW! Within 3 months, the class was spilling over into my parking lot. Hundreds of people were calling the gym to try and get into this thing. It seemed that the buzz around LA was EVERYWHERE! We had zero advertising. Zero signage. No instagram. No Twitter. Nothing but a basic Facebook page.
I could see he had something special. Eventually, I decided to help him polish it into its own brick and mortar space and help him teach the classes. Max and I trained together for about 3 months in an effort to learn his technique. Soon after, I started coaching more trainers to help us out. Our team of 2 grew into a team of 8 and the Phoenix Effect was born! Since opening for business 3 years ago, we've had over 33,000 checkins on Facebook alone. Watch the video below long enough and you'll even see our cryogenics deep freeze system which drops the temperature of the room up to 30 degrees in less than 5 seconds. Crazy!
It's unfortunate that Max is no longer with us =/ He was a gift to this world that was just too good to be true. Unfortunately, like any true legend, he was taken prematurely from us